●Draw the eye
●Encourage reading
●Visually break up content
●Aid memorisation
●Enable scanning.
How does it do all that? Bulleted lists basically short-circuit the human propensity to apply “heuristics” to paragraphs of text. When reading, we tend to assume sentences in a paragraph build upon each other. This can encourage us to only read to the first or second sentence and skim the rest, using assumption to fill in the blanks.
Bulleted lists aren’t structured the way paragraphs are: there’s no hierarchy to the content being listed. This encourages people to read and comprehend each point as if it were a standalone piece of information.
If you work in an office or team, then centralising planning information can be crucial to a project’s success. Centralisation ensures that:
●Everyone is working off the same information
●Goals and due dates are stated clearly
●Everyone is accountable.
Whiteboard planners are a great way to centralise information and ensure that said information is hard to miss. Not checking a linked spreadsheet is a mistake easily made; walking past a whiteboard of due dates every day? Less so.
JustBoards has you covered when it comes to monthly or semesterly whiteboard planners, but did you know a whiteboard weekly planner is just 20-minutes of DIY away? All you’ll need is:
1.A JustBoards glass whiteboard
2.Wet erase markers
3.Dry erase markers
4.A ruler.
Our glass whiteboards are the perfect canvas for a whiteboard weekly planner, they’re: stain resistant, durable and aesthetically superior. They work particularly well as a canvas for a DIY weekly planner because they work as well with wet erase markers as they do with dry erase markers.
Other boards might “ghost” over time, particularly when wet erase markers are applied, but glass boards never stain. This means this week’s weekly planner can transition into next week’s brainstorming session with minimal fuss.
Here’s how to set up a killer weekly planner:
1.Using the ruler, measure out seven even columns across the top of your board. Mark each column with a dot using your dry erase marker.
2.Do the same to the bottom of the board.
3.Using your wet erase marker and the ruler, connect the top and bottom dots.
4.Wait for the wet erase marker to dry and then wipe off the dry erase marker dots.
5.Label each day of the week with wet erase marker.
And there you have it. A weekly planner template that’s able to withstand dry erasure. You can then plan your week in dry erase marker and simply wipe each week clean as needed, leaving the weekly planner template intact.
Get in touch today! Great service, great prices and Australia-wide delivery to your door. Call us today on 1800 654 917 or send an email to info@justboards.com.au
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